Chapter 62. Animals  

Article I. General Provisions
Article II. Animal Welfare
Article III. Cruelty to Animals
Article IV. Vicious or Dangerous Dogs
Article V. Running at Large
Article VI. Killing or Injuring Livestock, or Poultry or Other Domestic Animals
Article VII. Rabies
Article VIII. Mandatory Sterilization of Dogs and Cats Adopted from Releasing Agencies
Article IX. Seizure and Impoundment
Article X. Dog Licenses
Article XI. Hybrid Canines
Article XII. Miscellaneous Provisions
HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Shenandoah County 12-14-1999 by Ord. No. 99-7. This ordinance also supersedes former Ch. 62, Animals, which consisted of the following: Art. I, Dog License Tax, adopted 11-22-1988, as amended in its entirety 9-23-1997 by Ord. No. 97-7; Art. II, Dogs Running at Large, adopted 4-11-1995; and Art. III, Dangerous and Vicious Dogs, adopted 3-12-1996. Amendments noted where applicable.


Animal races and shows — See Ch. 91.
Dead animals as nuisances — See Ch. 117.