§ 83-3. Grid mapping; street naming; house numbering.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    If deemed necessary, a grid map shall be prepared for the County which shall show streets in the unincorporated areas of the County, as defined herein, and shall, upon adoption by the Board of Supervisors, be the Official Map of Shenandoah County.
    All street names within the unincorporated areas of the County shall be approved by the Board of Supervisors. Duplicate names shall not be given to existing or proposed streets.
    In assigning names to existing streets, the Board shall consider historical, social and economic aspects as may be significant to the names assigned thereof.
    Street name signs shall be erected at strategic intersections of existing streets. Signs shall be of a design approved by the Board of Supervisors after seeking advice of the Virginia Department of Transportation.
    New streets approved on behalf of developers shall have street name signs erected at the developer's expense and as approved by the Board of Supervisors.
    Following adoption of the Official Map, plats prepared of land surveys thereafter shall show both the street name assigned by the Board of Supervisors as well as route numbers assigned by the Department of Transportation.
    Houses and certain other buildings located on streets shall be numbered as hereafter determined by the Board of Supervisors.
    The County Administrator or his designee shall promulgate rules and regulations as necessary to assign the proper numbers for houses and certain other buildings and shall keep records and a map showing such numbers.
    Each property owner shall display, on his house, mailbox or at such other location that is readily visible from the street, the number that has been assigned to the particular house or building. The number shall be a minimum of four inches in height, unless otherwise determined by the Board of Supervisors.
    Each mobile home park shall have a logical sequential system of numbering lots as approved by the County. Such numbers shall be displayed on a permanent marker placed on the mobile home site fronting the street, or on the accessway to the site. Such numbers shall be visible from the street or accessway.
    Incorporated towns within Shenandoah County shall have the option of continuing with their present street names and house numbering system, or of being renamed and numbered to more fully conform with their contiguous nonincorporated areas.