§ 82-5. Establishment of Conservation Easement Authority; powers and duties.  

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  • A. 
    Establishment. The Shenandoah County Conservation Easement Authority is created under the Public Recreational Facilities Authorities Act, Chapter 56 of Title 15.2 (§ 15.2-5600, et seq.), Code of Virginia. The Authority shall consist of seven members, appointed by the Board of Supervisors, to be comprised of one member of the Board of Supervisors, one member of the Planning Commission, and five citizen members. Members shall serve four-year terms, except that three members initially shall serve two-year terms. Members shall be eligible for reappointment. The Committee shall elect a Chairman and Vice Chairman at its first meeting each calendar year.
    Powers and duties. The Authority shall have the powers and duties to:
    Acquire and co-hold easements pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.
    Apply for and pursue grants, other funding, and gifts from the Virginia Land Conservation Fund, state and federal agencies, and private persons and entities for the purchase of easements.
    Promote the program, in cooperation with the program administrator, by providing educational materials to the public and conducting informational meetings.
    Review the ranking of applications recommended by the program administrator and make a determination as to whether an easement donation offer should be accepted and, subject to funding availability, which, if any, conservation easements should be purchased.
    Annually review the program's eligibility and ranking criteria and recommend to the Board of Supervisors any changes needed to maintain the program's consistency with the Comprehensive Plan, or to improve the administration, implementation and effectiveness of the program.
    Take action to enforce compliance with terms of easements being co-held by the Authority.
    Exercise any powers authorized by the Public Recreation Facilities Authorities Act.