§ 162-10. Prohibited practices.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    No person shall dispose of sludge, including biosolids, on land located in the County except in accordance with federal and state law and regulations and this article.
    No person shall land-apply biosolids on lands in the County until all of the procedural requirements set forth in this article as well as those set forth in applicable federal and state laws and regulations have been satisfied. No owner shall permit land application of biosolids on land in the County until all of the procedural requirements set forth in this article and those set forth in state and federal laws and regulations have been satisfied.
    No person shall apply and no owner shall permit the application of sludge other than biosolids that have been approved by the regulations of the Virginia Department of Health or Department of Environmental Quality to land in this County.
    No person shall apply biosolids to land in the County except pursuant to a valid permit issued by the Virginia Department of Health or Department of Environmental Quality, in compliance with all applicable federal and state statutes and regulations, and in accordance with the provisions of this article.