§ 146-54. Imposition of license fee; situs.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    For each license year, there is hereby levied and shall be collected from every person owning a motor vehicle, trailer or semitrailer, which is normally garaged, stored or parked within the County of Shenandoah, a fee at the rates set forth in § 146-55. If it cannot be determined where the personal property is normally garaged, stored or parked, the situs shall be the domicile of its owner. In the event the owner of the motor vehicle is a full-time student attending an institution of higher education, the situs for the purpose of imposing this license fee shall be the domicile of the student, provided the student has presented sufficient evidence that he has paid a personal property tax on the motor vehicle in his domicile.
    The license fee imposed by this article shall be in addition to any other County license tax or fees, including personal property taxes.