§ 142-45. Preliminary plat.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    The subdivider shall present to the Commission (or to the Agent in the case of a cluster subdivision), 20 prints of a preliminary layout at a scale no smaller than 100 feet to the inch as a preliminary plat. The preliminary plat shall include the following information:
    Name of subdivision, owner, subdivider, surveyor or engineer, original Tax Map parcel identification number(s), date of drawing, number of sheets, North point and graphic scale. If the true North is used, method of determination must be shown. The plat shall also show the signature of all owner(s) and the seal of the engineer or surveyor.
    Location of proposed subdivision by an inset map at a scale of not less than two inches equal one mile showing adjoining roads, their names and numbers, towns, subdivisions and other landmarks.
    The boundary survey or existing survey of record, provided that such survey shows a closure with an accuracy of not less than one in 2,500; total acreage, acreage of subdivided area, number and approximate area and frontage of all building sites, existing buildings within the boundaries of the tract, names of owners and their property lines within the boundaries of the tract.
    All existing, plated and proposed streets, their names, number and widths; existing utility or other easements, public areas and parking spaces, culverts and drains and cemeteries, graves or other object or structure marking a place of burial, their names and other pertinent data.
    The complete drainage layout, including all pipe sizes, types, drainage easements, stormwater management facilities and means of transporting the drainage to a well defined open stream which is considered natural drainage, with drainage calculations and design details.
    A cross section showing the proposed street construction, depth and type of base, type of surface, etc.
    A profile of contour map showing the proposed grades for the streets and drainage facilities, including elevations of existing and proposed ground surface at all street intersections and at points of major grade change along the center line of streets together with proposed grade lines connecting therewith.
    A location map tying the subdivision into the County's present road system, either by aerial photographs or topographic maps of the United States Department of Interior.
    Proposed connections with existing sanitary sewers and existing water supply or alternate means of sewerage disposal and water supply.
    All parcels of land to be dedicated for public use and the conditions of such dedication.
    An approved sedimentation and erosion control plan.
    Zoning and current use of the subject property, description of area, frontage, yard, building coverage, height, parking, open space and other requirements of the zone, and tabulation of how the subdivision meets such requirements.
    Names of owners, zoning classification and existing use of all adjacent properties.
    Natural features of the land, including streams, rivers, watercourses, ponds, sinkholes and wooded areas, and for plats of open space cluster developments, one-hundred-year floodplain, steep slopes greater than 25%, dam break inundation zones, historic structures, and wetlands.
    Delineation of the approximate one-hundred-year floodplain as shown on the Shenandoah County Flood Insurance Rate Map (1978) or as delineated by a flood study prepared and certified by a licensed professional engineer.
    Signature line for the agent.
    For plats of open space cluster developments, the location on each lot of the building envelope for the principal structure.
    The agent or his appointed representative shall discuss the preliminary plat with the subdivider in order to determine whether or not his preliminary plat generally conforms to the requirements of this chapter.
    The subdivider shall then be advised in writing within 45 days, which may be by formal letter or by legible markings on his copy of the preliminary plat, concerning any additional data that may be required, the character and extent of public improvements that will have to be made, and an estimate of the cost of the construction or improvements and the amount of the performance bond which will be required as a prerequisite to approval of the final subdivision plat. In determining the cost of the required improvements and the amount of the performance bond, the agent may consult with a duly licensed engineer who shall prepare this data for the agent, or preferably may require a bona fide estimate of the cost of improvements to be furnished by the subdivider.
    The subdivider shall then submit 20 copies of a preliminary plat for the Commission's review. The Commission will make a recommendation to the Board of Supervisors, who will approve or deny the preliminary plat.
    [Added 5-22-2007 by Ord. No 2007-10]
Amended 5-22-2007 by Ord. No 2007-10; 12-14-2010 by Ord. No. 2010-14