§ 142-5. Administering agent.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    The Director of Planning and Code Enforcement or his designee as appointed by the governing body is hereby designated to administer this chapter. In so doing, the Subdivision Administrator shall be considered the agent of the governing body, and approval or disapproval by the agent shall constitute approval as though it were given by the governing body. The agent shall not take final action on a subdivision plan until the Planning Commission has made a recommendation to the Board of Supervisors and the Board of Supervisors has acted on the plan.
    However, the division of land into two parcels (one- and two-lot subdivision), where there is not dedication of land to public use other than widening of an existing right-of-way, may be approved administratively by the agent. Such administratively approved division of the original parcel or newly created parcel shall not occur more than once during a twelve-month period, nor shall such a division be an attempt to circumvent this chapter. In the event that a plan for subdivision is disapproved by the agent, the subdivider may appeal to the governing body who then may override the decision of the agent and approve said plat.
    The division of property zoned C-1 (Conservation) or A-1 (Agriculture) using the open space cluster development option and where there is not dedication of land to public use other than widening of an existing right-of-way may be approved administratively by the agent.
Amended 12-14-2010 by Ord. No. 2010-14