§ 132-38. Wastewaters with special characteristics.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    While the County Administrator should initially rely upon the federal categorical pretreatment standards to protect wastewater facilities or receiving waters, if any wastewater which contains substances or possesses characteristics shown to have deleterious effect upon the treatment works or treatment facilities, processes, equipment, or receiving waters, or constitutes a public nuisance or hazard, is discharged or is proposed for discharge to the wastewater sewers, the County Administrator may require any or all of the following:
    Pretreatment by the user or discharger to a condition acceptable for discharge to the treatment works;
    Control over the quantities and rates of discharge;
    The development of compliance schedules to meet any applicable pretreatment requirements;
    The submission of reports necessary to assure compliance with applicable pretreatment requirements;
    Carry out all inspection, surveillance, and monitoring necessary to determine compliance with applicable pretreatment requirements;
    Obtain remedies for noncompliance by any user. Such remedies may include injunctive relief, the civil penalties specified in Article IX of this Part 1, or appropriate criminal penalties; or
    Reject the wastewater if evidence discloses that discharge will create unreasonable hazards or have unreasonable deleterious effects on the treatment works or treatment facilities.
    When considering the above alternatives, the County Administrator shall assure that conditions of the County of Shenandoah permit are met. The County Administrator shall also take into consideration cost effectiveness, the economic impact of the alternatives, and the willful noncompliance of the discharger. If the County Administrator allows the pretreatment or equalization of wastewater flows, the installation of the necessary facilities shall be subject to review. The County Administrator shall review and recommend any appropriate changes to the program within 30 days of submittal.
    Where pretreatment or flow-equalizing facilities are provided or required for any wastewater, they shall be maintained continuously in satisfactory and effective operation at the expense of the owner.