§ 132-36. Provision for monitoring.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    When required by the County Administrator, the owner of any property serviced by a building sewer carrying Class II wastewater discharges shall provide suitable access and such necessary meters and other devices in the building sewer to facilitate observation, sampling, and measurement of the wastewater. Such access shall be in a readily and safely accessible location and shall be provided in accordance with plans approved by the County Administrator. The access shall be provided and maintained at the owner's expense so as to be safe and accessible at reasonable times.
    The County Administrator shall consider such factors as the volume and strength of discharge, rate of discharge, quantities of toxic materials in the discharge, treatment facility removal capabilities, and cost effectiveness in determining whether or not access and equipment for monitoring Class II wastewater discharges shall be required.
    Where the County Administrator determines access and equipment for monitoring or measuring Class II wastewater discharges is not practicable, reliable, or cost effective, the County Administrator may specify alternative methods of determining the characteristics of the wastewaters discharge which will, in the County Administrator's judgment, provide a reasonably reliable measurement of such characteristics.
    Measurements, tests, and analyses of the characteristics of wastewater required by this Part 1 shall conform to 40 CFR 136 and be performed by a qualified laboratory.
    Fees for any given measurement, test, or analysis of wastewater required by this Part 1 and performed by the County of Shenandoah shall be the same for all classes of dischargers, regardless of the quantity or quality of the discharge and shall reflect only direct cost. Costs of analyses performed by an independent laboratory at the option of the discharger shall be borne directly by the discharger.