§ 20-8. Charges.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    There is hereby imposed a fee for the provision of emergency medical services by the permitted agencies, as follows:
    ALS emergency services: 150% of the Medicare rural allowed amount.
    ALS nonemergency services: 150% of the Medicare rural allowed amount.
    BLS emergency services: 150% of the Medicare rural allowed amount.
    BLS nonemergency services: 150% of the Medicare rural allowed amount.
    ALS 2: 150% of the Medicare rural allowed amount.
    Mileage rate: 150% of the Medicare rural allowed amount.
    Terms used in the foregoing table shall have the meanings prescribed by the United States Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, for use in the United States Medicare program. As the referenced Medicare allowances are altered, the rates in this section shall also change, ipso facto, without further action of the Board of Supervisors.
    Notwithstanding the foregoing, no fee shall be imposed in two situations:
    Nonparticipating unit.
    No fee shall be imposed if the service is:
    Wholly provided by a permitted agency other than the County's Fire and Rescue Department; and
    The permitted agency has not entered into a fee-sharing agreement with Shenandoah County.
    This exception applies only if the service is provided entirely without the use of County personnel or vehicles.
    Uninsured County resident. No fee shall be imposed if, and to the extent that, the recipient of the service is a County resident without insurance applicable to the fee. No fee, and no portion of any fee, shall apply to any County resident without insurance for it, and thus no County resident shall be personally responsible for any fee or portion thereof. This exception does not apply to non-residents.
    Legislative intent. The two exceptions identified above reflect the dual, public-private nature of emergency medical services in Shenandoah County. It is not the County's objective to charge for services provided solely by private companies, unless there is an agreement in place allowing the private company to take an equitable share of the fee. Further, any fee system must recognize that County taxpayers are already financing a portion of the Emergency Medical Service Program.
Amended 6-6-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-06