§ 12-3. Boundaries.  

Latest version.
  • The boundaries of the respective election districts shall be set forth hereafter:
    Election District #1 Shenandoah County, Virginia (2010 Population — 7,005): BEGINNING at the extreme southwest corner of Shenandoah County, Virginia, at the intersection of the southern boundary of said Shenandoah County with the West Virginia-Virginia State Boundary; thence with said State boundary in a northeasterly direction along the summit of Big North Mountain to the center line of Crooked Run Road (State Route #720); thence with the center line of said Crooked Run Road in a southeasterly direction to a stream crossing with Stoney Creek; thence with the center line of Stoney Creek in a northeasterly direction to its crossing with Rondi Lane; thence with the center of Rondi Lane in a southwesterly direction and turning in a southerly direction to intersect with Census Track 040201, Block 2040; thence following said Census Track in a southeasterly and northeasterly direction to its intersection with Supinlick Road (State Route 703); thence with the center line of said Supinlick Road to the intersection with Pepper Road (State Route 711); thence following the center line of said Pepper Road in a southerly direction to its intersection with Deerhead Road (State Route 721); thence turning southwest and following the center line of said Deerhead Road to its terminus point with Crooked Run Road (State Route 720); thence turning in a northwesterly direction and following the center line of said Crooked Run Road to its intersection with Supinlick Road (State Route 611); thence with the center line of said Supinlick Road in a southwesterly direction to its intersection with Virginia Primary Highway #263; thence with the center line of said Highway #263 in a southeasterly direction to its intersection with Mill Creek Road (State Route #612); thence following the center line of said Mill Creek Road in a southwesterly direction to a stream crossing with Straight Run; thence following the center of Straight Run to its confluence with Mill Creek; thence following the center of Mill Creek in a southeasterly direction to its crossing with Garber Road (State Route #729); thence following the center line of said Garber Road in a southerly direction to its intersection with South Middle Road (State Route #614); thence turning in a northeasterly direction and following the center line of said South Middle Road to its intersection with Wissler Road (State Route #720); thence continuing in a southeasterly direction with the center line of said Wissler Road to its intersection with an unnamed farm road serving a residence addressed as 2211 Wissler Road; thence with the center line of the unnamed farm road in a southerly direction to its intersection with Pinewoods Road (State Route 730); thence with the center line of said Pinewoods Road to the intersection with Rockville Road (State Route 731); thence with the center line of said Rockville Road in a northeasterly direction to its intersection with Turkey Knob Road (State Route 698); thence with the center line of said Turkey Knob Road to the connection with the Corporation Limits of the Town of Mt. Jackson; thence with said Town boundary line in a southeasterly direction to Caverns Road (State Route 730) thence with the center line of said Caverns Road to the intersection with Stonewall Lane (State Route 833); thence turning on Caverns Road (State Route 730) in an easterly direction to the Corporation Limits of the Town of Mt. Jackson located on the west side of U.S. Interstate 81; thence following said Town Boundary Line across and around said Interstate Highway #81 to its connection with said Caverns Road (State Route 730); on the east side of said Interstate Highway #81; thence following the center line of said Caverns Road in an easterly direction to its intersection with U.S. Highway #11; thence following the center line of said U.S. #11 in a northerly direction to the intersection with Moreland Gap Road (State Route 730); thence following the center line of said Moreland Gap Road in a southeasterly direction to a stream crossing with Gap Creek; thence turning in a southwesterly direction and following the center of Gap Creek to the confluence of Gap Creek and Honey Run; thence following the center of Honey Run in an easterly direction to its crossing with Woods Chapel Road (State Route 826); thence following the center line of said Woods Chapel Road in a northeasterly direction to its intersection with the driveway serving a residence shown on the County's E-911 Map Book as 2114 Woods Chapel Road; thence turning and following the center of said driveway in a southeasterly direction to its intersection with an unimproved road; thence following said unimproved road in an easterly direction to its intersection with the common boundary of Lee Magisterial District and Ashby Magisterial District; thence continuing with said Magisterial boundary to its intersection with the southeastern boundary of Shenandoah County, a common boundary with Page County; thence in a southwesterly direction along said boundary to its intersection with the Rockingham County boundary line, also a common boundary with Shenandoah County; thence in a northwesterly direction with said boundary line to the point of beginning.
    Election District #2 Shenandoah County, Virginia (2010 Population — 6,998): BEGINNING at a point of Big North Mountain at the Virginia-West Virginia State boundary line at the intersection with State Route #720; thence with the State Boundary line in a northeasterly direction to the common division line of the Madison and Stonewall Magisterial Districts: thence following said Magisterial District line to the intersection of Back Road (State Route 623) and Coffmantown Road (State Route 680); thence following the center line of said Back Road in a southerly direction to its intersection with Race Track Road (State Route 681); thence with the center line of Race Track Road to its terminus with Senedo Road (Virginia Primary #42); thence with the center line of said Senedo Road to an intersection with Stoneburner Road (State Route 681); thence following the center line of said Stoneburner Road in a southeasterly direction to the intersection with Rittenour Road (State Route 679); thence following the center line of said Rittenour Road in a southerly direction to its intersection with Stoney Creek Road (State Route 675); thence in a southeasterly direction with the center line of said Stoney Creek Road to the intersection with South Ox Road (State Route 686); thence following said South Ox Road in a southerly direction to the intersection with a private road named Massanutten Drive; thence following Massanutten Drive in a circuitous direction back to South Ox Road (State Route 686); thence following the center line of said South Ox Road to the intersection with South Middle Road (State Route #614); thence with the center line of said South Middle Road in an easterly direction to its intersection with U.S. Highway #11, thence with the center line of U.S. #11 in a southerly direction approximately 1.3 miles to its intersection with an unnamed tributary of the North Fork of the Shenandoah River; thence with the center of said unnamed tributary in an easterly direction to its termination point with the North Fork of the Shenandoah River; thence with the center of the North Fork of the Shenandoah River in a northeasterly direction to its intersection with the termination point of an unnamed tributary of the North Fork of the Shenandoah River; thence with the center of said unnamed tributary in an easterly direction to its intersection with Palmyra Church Road (State Route 698); thence with the center line of said Palmyra Church Road in a northerly direction to its intersection with Short Mountain Road (State Route 618); thence with the center line of said Short Mountain Road to its intersection with Virginia Power's 115 KV electric transmission line; thence continuing along said electric transmission line in a southerly direction to a point intersecting with the common division line between Ashby Magisterial District and Madison Magisterial District of Shenandoah County; thence in a southeasterly direction along said Magisterial division line to a point intersecting with the Magisterial division line of Johnston Magisterial District of Shenandoah County; thence along the Ashby Magisterial District and Johnston Magisterial District division line in a southwesterly direction to a stream crossing (Mountain Run); thence following the center line of said stream in an easterly direction to its intersection with the Page County Boundary line; thence turning in a southerly direction and following said boundary line to the common boundary with Electoral District #1 as previously delineated: thence following said Electoral District line back to the point of beginning.
    Election District #3, Shenandoah County, Virginia (2010 Population — 6,959) BEGINNING at a point on Johnstown Road where said road crossed the common division line between Stonewall and Madison Magisterial Districts; thence following in a southerly direction the common boundary line with Electoral District #2 as previously delineated until said boundary line reaches a stream crossing (Mountain Run), near Moreland Gap Road (State Route 730); thence with the center line of said stream and in an easterly direction to its junction with the Page County line; thence following the common boundary line between Shenandoah County and Page County in an easterly direction to a point on Massanutten Mountains where said boundary line turns and follows to the northeast; thence following said boundary line as it leaves the common boundary line between Shenandoah County and Page County and joins the common boundary line between Shenandoah County and Warren County; thence continuing to the northeast to a point where said Shenandoah/Warren boundary turns to the northwest; thence continuing to follow said boundary line to a point on Three Top Mountain where said common boundary line meets the division line between Davis and Johnston Magisterial Districts; thence following said Magisterial District line in a southwesterly direction along Three Top Mountain until said Magisterial line abruptly turns to the Northwest; thence beginning at said turn and following an unnamed road in a southwesterly direction to a common boundary line between the west side of the Mine Mountain Subdivision and the U.S. National Forest; thence continuing in a southwesterly direction with said common boundary line to a point across from the intersection of Forest Ridge Trail and Sun Rise Hill; thence following the center line of Sun Rise Hill in a southwesterly direction to its intersection with Mine Mountain Lane; thence following the center line of Mine Mountain Lane in a southwesterly direction to the intersection with Woodstock Tower Road (State Route 758); thence following the center line of said Woodstock Tower Road in a southerly direction to an intersection with the entrance to the Little Fort Recreation Area, located in the U.S. National Forest; thence in a westerly direction with the Little Fort Recreation Area service road to its connection with U.S. Forest Service Road FR 1702; thence following the center line of FR 1702 in a southerly direction to its crossing with the common division line between Madison and Johnston Magisterial Districts; thence turning in a northeasterly direction and following the common division line between Madison and Johnston Magisterial District to its intersection with an unnamed stream; thence following the center of said unnamed stream in a northerly direction to its crossing with Laurel Hill Lane; thence following the center line of Laurel Hill Lane in an easterly direction to its intersection with Census Tract 040400, Block Group 2, Block 2052; thence following said Census Tract Block in a northerly direction to an island in the North Fork of the Shenandoah River which is located to the southeast of the bridge on Laurel Hill Lane; thence following the center of the North Fork of the Shenandoah River to the confluence of Narrow Passage Creek; thence following the center of Narrow Passage Creek in a northwesterly direction to its crossing with U.S. Highway #11; thence with the center line of U.S. #11 in a northeasterly direction to its intersection with Hoover Road (State Route 605); thence following the center line of Hoover Road in a northwesterly direction to the intersection with South Ox Road thence following South Ox Road (State Route 686) in southerly direction to the southeastern point of the Woodstock Town Boundary as established by a Town and County Boundary Line Agreement dated 12/13/88; thence following said Town boundary in northwesterly and northerly direction to its intersection with Hoover Road (State Route 605); thence following the center line of Hoover Road in a northwesterly direction to its junction with the Corporation Limits of the Town of Woodstock, which is located just to the west of Hisey Avenue; thence following said Town boundary in a northeasterly and northwesterly direction to its junction with Honeysuckle Avenue (State Route 683); thence following the center line of Honeysuckle Avenue in a northeasterly direction to the Woodstock Town boundary line as established by a Town and County Boundary Line Agreement dated 8/16/88 and 4/5/89; thence following with the original Woodstock Town boundary line; thence following the Town boundary in a northeasterly direction to its intersection with Walton Farm Road (State Route 780); thence following the center line of said Walton Farm Road in a northwesterly direction to its intersection with the Spring Hollow Farm Road; thence following the meanderings of the Spring Hollow Farm Road in a northeasterly direction to its termination point with Spring Street (State Route 816), said termination point being approximately 0.02 miles northwest of the Interstate Highway #81 and Spring Street intersection; thence following the center line of Spring Street in a northerly direction to its intersection with Fravel Road (State Route 676); thence with the center line of Fravel Road in a northeasterly direction to the intersection with Fairview Road (State Route 604); thence following the center line of Fairview Road in northwesterly direction to the intersection with the northern portion of Alonzaville Road (State Route 681); thence with the center line of Alonzaville Road in a northeasterly direction to a point at which said State Route makes a sharp turn to the southeast and intersects with an unnamed road, thence turning a northwesterly direction and following the center line of the unnamed road to a fork in the road; thence following the center line of the northernmost fork in a northerly direction to its intersection with an unnamed intermittent stream; thence following the center of said stream in a northwesterly direction to the summit of Little North Mountain near the Fetzer Gap Trail; thence following the Fetzer Gap Trail in a westerly direction to Sheffer Gap and its intersection with a jeep trail; thence following said jeep trail in a northerly direction to its intersection with a second jeep trail; thence turning on the second jeep trail and following said trail in a southwesterly direction until said trail becomes an unnamed light duty improved road, near the head waters of Narrow Passage Creek; thence following said light duty road in a southerly direction to its intersection with a second unnamed, light duty road, near the northeastern tributary of May Spring Run; thence following said second unnamed road as it meanders in a southwesterly direction and eventually connects with Johnstown Road; thence following the center line of Johnstown Road to the beginning point.
    Election District #4, Shenandoah County, Virginia (2010 Population — 7,046) BEGINNING at a point at the junction of U.S. Forest Service Road FR 1702 and the common division line between the Madison and Johnston Magisterial Districts; thence turning in a northwesterly direction and following said division line; thence following along the common boundary line with Electoral District #3 as previously delineated; thence following said common boundary line as it meanders easterly and northerly direction to the summit of Little North Mountain near the Fetzer Gap Trail (Tusc. Little North Mountain); thence following said trail in a northeasterly and northerly direction to its crossing with the U.S. National Forest boundary line; thence turning to the northwest and following said National Forest boundary line to its crossing with Zepp Road (State Route 600); thence following the center line of said Zepp Road in a southerly and southeasterly direction to the intersection with Back Road (State Route 623) and Saumsville Road (State Route 600); thence crossing said Back Road and following the center line of said Saumsville Road in a southeasterly direction to a driveway/farm road which serves a residence addressed as 2877 Saumsville Road; thence turning in a southwesterly direction and following said driveway/farm road until its junction with a second driveway/farm road which serves a residence addressed as 1754 Jadwyn Road; thence turning southeast and following said driveway/farm road to the intersection with Jadwyn Road (State Route 652); thence following the center line of Jadwyn Road in an easterly direction to its intersection with Saumsville Road (State Route 600); thence following the center line of said Saumsville Road to an intersection with U.S. Highway #11 and Headley Road (State Route 600); thence following the center line of said Headley Road in an easterly direction to its crossing with the North Fork of the Shenandoah River; thence following the center of the North Fork of the Shenandoah River as it meanders to the northeast to its crossing with the common division line between the Davis and Johnston Magisterial Districts; thence following said division line in a southeasterly direction to its intersection with the common boundary line of Electoral District #3; thence following the said common boundary line with Electoral District #3 in a southwesterly direction to the point of beginning.
    Election District #5, Shenandoah County, Virginia (2010 Population — 7,001) BEGINNING at Interstate Highway #81 at a point where said Highway #81 crosses the common boundary line between Shenandoah County and Warren County; thence with the center line of the right-of-way of said Highway #81 in a southwesterly direction to a point on said Highway #81 near mile marker 296; thence crossing Highway #81 in a southeasterly direction to the juncture with the Corporation Limits of the Town of Strasburg; thence following said Town boundary line to a point on the CSX Railroad right of way; thence following the center line of said railroad right of way in a southeasterly direction to the railroad crossing with Junction Road (State Route 638); thence following said Junction Road in a northwesterly direction to its intersection with Copp Road (State Route 757); thence following the center line of said Copp Road in a southwesterly and southeasterly direction to the intersection with Green Acre Drive (State Route 639); thence with the center line of said Green Acre Drive in a southeasterly direction to the intersection of U.S. Highway #11; thence following the center line of said U.S. #11 in an easterly direction to its junction with the Corporation Limits of the Town of Strasburg; thence following said Town boundary line in a southerly direction to its junction with the North Fork of the Shenandoah River; thence following the center of said river as it meanders in a southerly direction to a point where Headley Road (State Route 600) crosses said river and the junction with the boundary line for Electoral District #4; thence following the common boundary line with Electoral District #4 as previously delineated; thence following said boundary line as it meanders in a northwesterly direction to a point where the U.S. National Forest boundary line crosses Zepp Road (State Route 600); thence turning to the southwest and continuing to follow the common boundary line with Electoral District 4 to its junction with the common boundary line with Electoral District #3 near the summit of Little North Mountain; thence following said common boundary line in a southwesterly direction to the common junction of the boundary between Electoral District #3 and Electoral District #2 at the common division between Madison and Stonewall Magisterial Districts near Johnstown Road (State Route 608); thence following said common Magisterial district line in a northwesterly direction to its intersection with the Virginia-West Virginia State line near the summit of Great North Mountain; thence with said State line in a generally northeasterly direction to its juncture with the Shenandoah County — Frederick County boundary line; thence with said County boundary line, following its meanderings to the junction with the common boundary line between Shenandoah County, Frederick County and Warren County; thence following the common boundary line between Shenandoah County and Warren County to the point of beginning.
    Election District #6, Shenandoah County, Virginia (2010 Population — 6,984) BEGINNING at Interstate Highway #81 at a point where said Highway #81 crosses the common boundary line between Shenandoah County and Warren County; thence with the center line of the right-of-way of said Highway #81 in a southwesterly direction to a point on said Highway #81 near mile marker 296; thence crossing Highway #81 in a southeasterly direction to the junction with the Corporation Limits of the Town of Strasburg; thence following said Town boundary line to a point on the CSX Railroad right of way; thence following the center line of said railroad right of way in a southeasterly direction to the railroad crossing with Junction Road (State Route 638); thence following said Junction Road in a northwesterly direction to its intersection with Copp Road (State Route 757); thence following the center line of said Copp Road in a southwesterly and southeasterly direction to the intersection with Green Acre Drive (State Route 639); thence with the center line of said Green Acre Drive in a southeasterly direction to the intersection of U.S. Route Highway #11; thence following the center line of said U.S. #11 in an easterly direction to its junction with the Corporation Limits of the Town of Strasburg; thence following said Town boundary line in a southerly direction to its junction with the North Fork of the Shenandoah River; thence following the center of said river at it meanders in a southerly direction to a common point where Electoral District #4 boundary line intersects with the common division line between the Davis and Johnston Magisterial Districts; thence turning in an easterly direction and following the Electoral District #4 boundary line and the Magisterial District line to their juncture with the boundary line for Electoral District #3; thence turning in a northeasterly direction and following the common boundary line with Electoral District #3 as previously delineated; thence continuing with the common boundary line to its junction with the Shenandoah County and Warren County line; thence following said county line in a northwesterly and northerly direction to the point of beginning.
Amended 6-14-2011 by Ord. No. 2011-06